Search results

  1. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    Inventoried Mac 1 and 2 boxes.
  2. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    Inventoried Apple II 2 and 3 boxes.
  3. Spudster

    Z's Game Collection

    Inventoried Nintendo 64 box.
  4. Spudster

    Z's Game Collection

    Inventoried SEGA Saturn box.
  5. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    Inventoried Apple II 1 box.
  6. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    Added ACE2 and RGB2HDMI to the Amiga 500 configuration. FWIW: RGB2HDMI the BEST way to get super crisp HDMI out of an Amiga without breaking the bank!
  7. Spudster

    GRAND FINALE at the IDEA CENTER 1.24.25

    Let us not forget the snazzed-up Amiga 500 with a freshly installed RGB2HDMI. Configuration: Crystal case ACA500Plus X-Surf 500 ACA1233n Epyx 500XJ joystick RGB2HDMI ACE2 2MB Chip Ram upgrade
  8. Spudster

    Commodore 64 DESTexMax with ADB

    I suspect you're thinking of @Performa . While I'm working on thinning out my herd, I never gave you a C64. :)
  9. Spudster

    Detailed inventory continues. Getting close to completing games collection.

    Detailed inventory continues. Getting close to completing games collection.
  10. Spudster

    Z's Game Collection

    Added Sony games box & inventoried Sony box.
  11. Spudster

    Z's Game Collection

    Replaced Virtual Boy Power Pak (Large), which now belongs to @Performa, with new battery pack.
  12. Spudster

    Discord and the demise of easily searchable forums

    Bro, I’m right there with you! While I’m tempted to blame “crabby old bastard” attitude (I am, after all, 20 years older than you), I honestly don’t really think that’s the entire case here. Each of these technologies serve a very useful, distinct purpose. Discord is an EXCELLENT real-time chat...
  13. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    Inventoried both Atari boxes.
  14. Spudster

    The Sony Giant TV

    That was a fun watch, thanks! Dude put in some SERIOUS effort!
  15. Spudster

    Starfox 64 on PC with modern monitor and controller support

    Sounds like an excuse to pull out the BackBit Pro…..
  16. Spudster

    Z's Game Collection

    Added & inventoried Dreamcast box.
  17. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    .... saving this spot just in case I run into the limit again.
  18. Spudster

    Z's Game Collection

    Due to running out of space in the initial post, broke my collection into three posts: This one, Computer Collection, and Miscellaneous Collection
  19. Spudster

    Z's Miscellaneous Collection

    See also: Game Collection, Computer Collection This is a list of all non-computer, non-game related items in my collection: Remotes Component cables, speaker wire, Console video cables, mad cats adapter, Xbox screen, Network [AV] 4 port VGA/PS2 switch, Mini DisplayPort to AV converter, 4 port...
  20. Spudster

    Z's Computer Collection

    See also: Game Collection, Miscellaneous Collection Just discovered this forum only allows up to 10000 characters per post and I have run out of space in the original collection post, so have to break things up. Here's my computer collection: Dell laptop floppy, HP laptop parts, Dell...