Central WI Folks: Local user group Slack channel


Well-known member
The "Central Wisconsin Developers Group"https://cenwidev.org/

has collaboration with the CREATE IDEA center https://www.createportagecounty.org/ideacenter

for some related topics
1. A learn to solder event to-be-scheduled in 2022: https://cenwidev.slack.com/archives/CCCTW3LDN/p1638197826002600
2. A computing classroom setup request-for-help to get a set of donated Toshiba laptops from Marshfield clinic https://cenwidev.slack.com/archives/C2BKEDNJC/p1644357926682639

The IDEA center should also be a good place for some meetup working events, especially now that we should be on the downward trend of COVID transmission.

Sign-up for Slack here: https://cenwidev-slack.herokuapp.com/


Well-known member
The IDEA center is working up updating their 3D printer lab, with discussion on that happening on a discord server.