Open House Show in Green Bay (Weyers-Hilliard) 6.22.24


The Wisconsin Computer Club is headed to Green Bay (an immense thank you to Mr. Moran!) at the Weyers-Hillard branch of the Brown County Library. We'll be at the library from 10-3:30-ish, with a variety of systems and whatnot. Let me know if you can make it!



New member
We’re planning to attend.

Intention is to bring a Virtual Boy (maybe 2 - I’ve been naughty), Nintendo 3DS and 3DSXL for emulated Virtual Boy games, and the minis (Atari 400, C64, and A500). That OK?


New member
It figures as soon as I get all the components for a fully functional second Virtual Boy, the right display dies. I probably won't have time to swap parts from my spare unit before the event. If there is space to work at the event, everyone will have an opportunity to see the inside of a Virtual Boy while I attempt the swap.

FYI: Once I get the second unit fully functional, I intend to sell it .... with WCC members having first dibs.


New member
Ugh, I can't make it now. Our septic pump is on the fritz and we don't want to risk driving through severe weather Saturday morning.
I'm super bummed as we've been fighting septic issues all week and I was looking to celebrate with some retro fun this weekend. :(

Guess the silver lining is I now have all kinds of time to get that second Virtual Boy functional......


Many thanks to all who came out to the show! Here are some photos!

It's always a lot of fun to see an Apple IIGS in the wild, this one running "The Oregon Trail" which lots of folks had a blast with. To it's left (out of frame) is the Tandy 102, and to it's right the Tandy 1100 FD, and a clamshell Apple iBook G3.

A closer look at the Tandy 1100 FD and it's built-in DeskMate operating system.

The Osborne 1, still running somehow. 😄

New to the fleet was Mr. Haggenbusher's Nintendo Famicom, the Japanese variant of the NES. It was placed side by side with the NES for comparison.

Folks playing games.

More folks playing games.


More photos!

TurboGrafx-16 and PC-FX side by side.

Xbox and Wii.

An emulation station with a tiny screen, and a SNES mini.

NES and Genesis, side by side.


Bonus! Mr. Moran had a copy of "Popular Computing" from 1983 featuring some neat old articles and ads. I took a bunch of photos and will put those into another thread, but here's a sampler featuring some computers and their prices at the time.



Now for something entirely different, @mikem brought a WYSE terminal that was playing an ASCII version of "Star Wars" for most of the show. It's tough to convey the effect in photos, but this was incredibly cool to see!

It looks simple, but the amount of work that some folks did to create this is mind-bending.


Immense thanks to our exhibitors, including Mr. Hagenbucher, @mikem, @OSC003, and everyone who came out to play! This was a great show, and I can't wait to head back to titletown for the next one! 🥳
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A video on the WYSE terminal Star Wars. I didn't intend to "film" it (though in hindsight I probably should have) but my phone captures better pictures off of CRT monitors while recording 60FPS video. It's a smidge disjointed as it's composed of several clips, and I feel it still doesn't fully capture the experience, but it's a peek at what this looked like.



Well-known member
A video on the WYSE terminal Star Wars. I didn't intend to "film" it (though in hindsight I probably should have) but my phone captures better pictures off of CRT monitors while recording 60FPS video. It's a smidge disjointed as it's composed of several clips, and I feel it still doesn't fully capture the experience, but it's a peek at what this looked like.
