By request, as I keep forgetting to send this to people in a timely fashion... 
I'll add a "finished" example in the next post, but my go-to for style guide is DomBold BT at size 355 for the year, and the text in the details box is Arial Rounded MT Bold at size 96. These are not hard nor fast rules, and you're free to tinker with things as much as you like. The text at the bottom is in the "Iceland" font.

I'll add a "finished" example in the next post, but my go-to for style guide is DomBold BT at size 355 for the year, and the text in the details box is Arial Rounded MT Bold at size 96. These are not hard nor fast rules, and you're free to tinker with things as much as you like. The text at the bottom is in the "Iceland" font.