Cheap Games of Yesteryear


I was looking through some old pictures and ran across one from a while ago I thought I'd share. For a short while some years back, I took a job down south and lived in Chattanooga Tennessee while I was at it. They have a family "chain" of used book resale stores called "McKay's Books" which buy/sell/trade just about everything under the sun from books movies and games, to toys and hi-fi equipment. It was awesome.

This was part of their retro cartridge rack. Prices varied from 10 cents up to about $5, with anything higher than $5 in theft-proof cases. No idea if it's still like this (this was before covid) but it was great while I was there. If you're ever in Knoxville or Chattanooga, definitely check these places out!


The craziest thing I ever found in here was a Vectrex game. I'd never seen on in person, so I snagged it. Wound up passing it over to Matt who has a Vectrex, which can be seen HERE.