I have been trying to get my color classic working after being in storage. The symptoms are it's just completely dead. Nothing when I hit the power (although when you turn the rear power switch on you can hear the faint sound of the tube being energized. I originally pulled the MB and took a look (I didn't see anything exploded). I then replaced the battery. That didn't work, I had read that if you leave it hooked to mains for a day sometimes that's enough to get it to spring to life. I did that, and to my surprise the computer actually did start up (ish). I got a white screen and no chime. It also sounded really loud vs what I remember. Since it was just hung I turned if off from the back and now it won't kick on again (I'll try again tonight). I'm going to pull the case off and take a look at the other boards. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have been trying to get my color classic working after being in storage. The symptoms are it's just completely dead. Nothing when I hit the power (although when you turn the rear power switch on you can hear the faint sound of the tube being energized. I originally pulled the MB and took a look (I didn't see anything exploded). I then replaced the battery. That didn't work, I had read that if you leave it hooked to mains for a day sometimes that's enough to get it to spring to life. I did that, and to my surprise the computer actually did start up (ish). I got a white screen and no chime. It also sounded really loud vs what I remember. Since it was just hung I turned if off from the back and now it won't kick on again (I'll try again tonight). I'm going to pull the case off and take a look at the other boards. Does anyone have any suggestions?