Hasbro Nemesis Factor


Found this oddball a little while back, and forgot to post it over here on the forums too.

This is Nemesis Factor, a game released the Hasbro toy company in the early 2000's. It's an electronic puzzle most closely related to "Simon Says" or "Bop-It!" for it's repetitive "follow the leader" style puzzle elements. This one differs from the aforementioned games in that it has additional sensors, including tilt sensors, requiring the player to do quite a bit more to beat all 100 challenges programmed in. When you beat it, the triangular light on the top will glow- a major reward if there ever was one! 🤭

This one was a messy cleanup, the original owners had left the batteries in, and they did what batteries do:

Though it did clean up fairly nice:



I did find a YouTuber who explores the puzzle in greater detail for those curious to know more about these:
