Lyra Keyboard Adapter


My father had a big-box Amiga, but unfortunately it wasn't stored the best, and the keyboard for this one no longer works. I'm confident it can be fixed, but I'm not sure what it's going to take to get it working just yet.

In the interim, I looked around to see what options there were for adapters. Amiga used a proprietary keyboard system, so it's not quite swappable with an AT-style keyboard without some serious alterations. But, the Amiga community has a fix for everything it seems- and this is no exception. Probably old news to some of you, but this was news to me so I'm sharing it here, the Lyra keyboard adapter.

Or, rather the Lyra 3 (I guess this has been an ongoing project). I went ahead and ordered one, so we'll see how it does when it comes in. As it's coming from the guys at Amiga Kit, I expect it'll be pretty good. I also expect it to get here in like a month between the whole Brexit debacle and the state of the USPS, but not much i can do about that. More to follow!