pico9918 testing


New member
So looking to help troy shrapel (visrealm) test out his new pico9918 on actual hardware he has made a tms9918a/tms9929a drop in replacement which I believe also outputs VGA. It's confirmed to work on the ti99a. But I think he is looking to test it out on other devices such as the NABU, ColecoVision, sg1000 et El... I can probably figure out how to build the prototypes in state if there is intrest. I'll post on the forum and the FB page as well. I don't really have access to a computer that uses that chip but I said I'd ask. Here is the GitHub to see what we are talking about: https://github.com/visrealm/pico9918


New member
I'll see if I can get a few PCBs pre-stuffed with parts off PCBway and I'll post here when they are done :) probably a few weeks.