Spam Cleanout PSA


Staff member
Like most forums (and online spaces in general) automated programs (known as "bots") will occasionally register accounts with the intent to post forum threads and messages with links to outside services and whatnot. These bots are not welcome on the site here (per our Terms of Service) and we actively work to combat them, blocking them from coming in the first place, and deleting those that make it through. As our software is configured more loosely so that we don't accidentally lock out members using VPNs or proxies, some bots will inevitably slip through.

So, what do you do if you see a spambot posting rubbish? Under every post in the bottom left corner is the "report" button- clicking that and selecting "spam" from the pop up window will instantly notify me to come through with a proverbial mop to clean it up. It takes me seconds to wipe out any number of threads and messages- one report on one post will suffice.

Moreover though, what NOT to do is more crucial- these bots are treated as regular users by our forum software here- and will receive email notifications if anyone replies to their threads or messages. While insults, retorts, or memes are funny- this only signals the bot systems overseas that this is a place to get views, and they'll ramp up their efforts accordingly. To help keep the WCC space free of unwanted spam, a simple report is all that's needed to wipe them out- don't reply or interact with them in any way.

I do think it goes without saying, but do not ever click on suspicious links to unknown websites, especially those posted by automated bot accounts on behalf of unscrupulous advertisers. ;)

I've had things shored up again today to improve our defenses against spambots ever registering in the first place, so hopefully we will see very little (if any) spam going forward. On that same note, if you are a user of the WCC forum here and you're having trouble using the site due to our security system, give me a shout directly and I'll be happy to do what needs to be done behind the scenes to make your user experience the best it can be.

Thanks all for reading, and rock on!