Spring Roundup for the CRT Preserve Project


Hello all! A quick roundup of progress and happenings at the Wisconsin Computer Club's Central Wisconsin CRT Preserve, we've rescued a LOT of sets and passed a ton of them into the hands of collectors and enthusiasts!

A look at the wall from last weekend, though things have changed a bit since then as I'm trying to organize things a bit better.

We've gotten a lot of these smaller black and white sets from the late 70's and early 80's. They're good for Pong and some other oldschool "aesthetic" games (Star Raider leaps to mind), but I've got more than we'll ever use at all of our shows. They're tougher to rehome as "usable" sets as most folks seem to want them strictly for decoration.

They do look kinda neat for other things though too.

VGA monitors come in and head back out fairly quickly. This one spent only a week in the Preserve before it headed back out. I use a 2010 netbook to get a VGA signal to these for testing, thus the odd proportions.


The incredible Lenny Micheloni continues to do some amazing work for us. While not every TV needs his service, some (like this 1980's RCA ColorTrak) definitely warranted the fine tuning from an electronics wizard like him. Mad props to him for all the help!



Finally, the big one!

I had a gentleman reach out to ask if we (the club) wanted a "big" Sony Trinitron. A lot of retro gamers seek out Trinitrons for their great geometry and color, but they tend to be huge and extremely heavy. I was going to pass, but opened it up to the group to see if anyone wanted it. One of our members said yes, so we coordinated the rescue.

This thing is 36" and weighs a ton. Naturally there's nowhere to grab onto it either, classic Sony. But with some help, we managed to get it into the van, and then back to the Preserve for storage until it's owner can get the manpower necessary to move this leviathan into it's new spot in his home. Very excited for him!

Here it is in storage for now. It's weight is centered on the cart, but because of how big and deep it is, I decided to prop up one corner with some of the more beat up VHS clamshells we had in from the Wisconsin Free BlockBuster System. It hasn't moved, nor is it putting any weight onto the tapes, so I'm going to call it good enough until it gets moved by folks stronger than me.


New member
I'll probably have another TV for you next time I come up to an event. It's a 19" JC Penney (made by NEC) Color TV/Monitor. I've kept it around for my old Atari 8-bit computers but I am planning on selling them off. Most likely at the next VCF Midwest.

The only problem with the TV is that the internal speakers are not working. I had the TV hooked up to my big 1970's Pioneer speakers. Maybe you can get the internal ones working again. Not sure when I'll make it up there though.

Here's a picture of the inputs that the TV has.



I'll probably have another TV for you next time I come up to an event. It's a 19" JC Penney (made by NEC) Color TV/Monitor. I've kept it around for my old Atari 8-bit computers but I am planning on selling them off. Most likely at the next VCF Midwest.

The only problem with the TV is that the internal speakers are not working. I had the TV hooked up to my big 1970's Pioneer speakers. Maybe you can get the internal ones working again. Not sure when I'll make it up there though.

Here's a picture of the inputs that the TV has.

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Thank you! That sounds pretty cool!


New member
It was awesome in it's day. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a VGA and/or S-video connector.


Finally, the big one!

I had a gentleman reach out to ask if we (the club) wanted a "big" Sony Trinitron. A lot of retro gamers seek out Trinitrons for their great geometry and color, but they tend to be huge and extremely heavy. I was going to pass, but opened it up to the group to see if anyone wanted it. One of our members said yes, so we coordinated the rescue.

This thing is 36" and weighs a ton. Naturally there's nowhere to grab onto it either, classic Sony. But with some help, we managed to get it into the van, and then back to the Preserve for storage until it's owner can get the manpower necessary to move this leviathan into it's new spot in his home. Very excited for him!

Here it is in storage for now. It's weight is centered on the cart, but because of how big and deep it is, I decided to prop up one corner with some of the more beat up VHS clamshells we had in from the Wisconsin Free BlockBuster System. It hasn't moved, nor is it putting any weight onto the tapes, so I'm going to call it good enough until it gets moved by folks stronger than me.
I was SO tempted to jump on this, but just don’t got the space, or likely the strength to move it. I had a 25” Sony Trinitron VGA as a primary display forever, but eventually donated it to some Madison electronics recycling place when I moved. I still think fondly of that CRT.