UWSP Retro Gaming Event at the Archives 10.28.23


Coming up quick, the first of the retro gaming events with the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. It's going to be Saturday, October 28th from 12-3 (with time to setup before and tear down after) but still a short event. The room itself is in the Archives on the ground floor of the natural resources building on Reserve Street, though going in through the back doors of the building is probably easier for loading purposes.


I'm planning on bringing a few retro game systems and some TVs. I'm not sure what the turnout will look like, but I'm hoping the event goes well!


My planned lineup:

Atari 2600
PONG (one of the flavors)
Phillips CD Interactive
PlayStation 1 (Modded)
Osborne 1

I'll try to bring the Atari 5200 if it's behaving better. It's got a fault in the switchbox, but it should be fixed by showtime. Failing that I may grab the Atari XEGS.

Might bring the Twin Famicom if folks want to see that too. ;)


The Osborne 1 is the odd man out here, but it worked out really well at the MILC show. Ever since it's power supply issues and it's load issues were sorted, it can play that awful version of Pac-Man, and it's portable enough to take in. I figure it brings that "crazy old computer" aesthetic too. 😉


Well-known member
I'm planning on bringing the IBM PS/2 Model 60, Tandy 1000, Mac Classic, Mac Classic II, and maybe the IBM 5170 (we'll have to see if I really want to carry this one) or a 486 machine of some flavor. This list is dependent on what I can get done before the show, so I might have to mix it up a bit!

I'd love to bring my IIgs too, but I don't think it'll make this one, maybe the next show!

This should be fun!